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November 2019
50 Jahre Informatik an der JKU
Die Informatik an der JKU feiert ihr 50-jähriges Bestehen mit einer Festveranstaltung am Freitag, 8.11.2019 mit Keynote, Talkrunden und einer Ausstellung über Geschichte und aktuelle Projekte der Linzer Informatik.
Erfahren Sie mehr »Quality of Experience – Measuring Quality from the End-User Perspective
Dr. Raimund Schatz | Nov 20, 2019 | 10:00 | Lakeside B12b.1.1 Abstract: Over last 15 years, Quality of Experience (QoE) has evolved from a buzzword to a holistic, mature scientific concept that captures the entire experience that a person has with a multimedia communication service (e.g. online video, web browsing, telephony, etc.). This talk provides an introduction to the concept of QoE and its operationalization in subjective experiments. To this end we first review the origins of QoE as well…
Erfahren Sie mehr »Gerfried Stocker: “Humanizing Technology Through Arts“
The second lecture in our series asks what kind of digital society we want, how we can get there, and what role the Arts can play in it. Where are we and how did we get here? What kind of digital society do we want? How can we get there? And how can we make good on the biggest mistake of the last forty years: How can we wrest control of our futures from a handful of corporations that make…
Erfahren Sie mehr »Connecting Trust – decentralization of the internet
Assoc.-Prof. Dr. Antorweep Chakravorty | November 25, 2019 | 16:00 | S.2.42 Abstract: Blockchain is an innovation for creating distributed trust between users facilitating the exchange of value over a network. It can be seen as a decentralized read-only database operated collectively by participants in the network. Participants in the network can be different organizations that provide computing infrastructure to maintain a single version of a decentralized ledger. Each participant locally maintain the same version of this ledger in their…
Erfahren Sie mehr »Excellence in Research: DC-RES and Carlo Ghezzi
We invite you to a guest talk by Carlo Ghezzi and to learn more about our Doctoral College on Resilient Embedded Systems. The Vienna PhD School of Informatics (VPSI) and the Doctoral College Resilient Embedded Systems (DC-RES), both hosted by TU Wien´s Faculty of Informatics, invite to another event dedicated to Excellence in Research. As a highlight of this event Prof. Carlo Ghezzi from Politecnico di Milano, newly appointed Dr. techn. h.c. at the TU Wien,…
Erfahren Sie mehr »CS-Colloquium mit Dr. Zhendong Ma
Am 27. November 2019 wird Dr. Zhendong Ma im Rahmen des CS-Colloquiums zu Gast sein und über „Automotive Cybersecurity: an Industry Perspective and Research Challenges“ sprechen. Die Fakultät für Informatik lädt alle Interessierten herzlich dazu ein! Abstract The Automotive systems have undergone a profound technological transformation in recent years due to the industry trends towards electrification, connectivity, and autonomy. Cybersecurity becomes a challenging issue because cars are turning into computers-on-wheels and running largely on software. This talk briefly…
Erfahren Sie mehr »Dezember 2019
Computing Is Too Important to Be Left to Men
In workshops and a public panel discussion, international experts investigate women-promoting measures and present successful concepts. Informatics (or Computer Science) and its artefacts are major drivers of change with enormous personal, societal, economic and political impact. Digitalization, the process to transform a whole society into "the digital" by adopting digital technologies, is mainly driven by computer scientists. However, who are these computer scientists who are going to change the world so drastically? To the large majority, Informatics students…
Erfahren Sie mehr »CS-Colloquium mit Prof. Michael Schapira
Am 4. Dezember 2019 wird Prof. Michael Schapira um 15:00 im Rahmen des CS-Colloquiums zu Gast sein und einen Vortrag zum Thema "Learning Network Protocols" halten. Die Fakultät für Informatik lädt alle Interessierten herzlich dazu ein! Abstract The Machine learning (ML) has deeply impacted many subareas of computer science, including computer vision, natural language processing, computational biology, and more. Yet, computer networking has largely withstood the ML tide until recently. Recent advances suggest that this might be changing. We…
Erfahren Sie mehr »Applications and Challenges of Sentiment and Stance Analysis
Dr. Petra Kralj Novak | December 9, 2019 | 16:00 | S.2.42 Abstract: Social media are computer-based technologies that provide means of information and idea sharing, as well as entertainment and engagement handly available as mobile applications and websites to both private users and businesses. As social media communication is mostly informal, it is an ideal environment for the use of emoji and for detecting the population's sentiments and stance. Sentiment* and stance** analysis have been heavily researched in the…
Erfahren Sie mehr »Edward A Lee: „The Coevolution of Humans and Machines“
In the third lecture in TU Wien Informatics' series, Edward Ashford Lee presents the case for considering digital beings to be living, then offers counterarguments. Are humans defining technology, or is technology defining humans? Richard Dawkins famously said that a chicken is an egg’s way of making another egg. Is a human a computer’s way of making another computer? Certainly, digital technology has changed the way we interact with one another, the way we work, and even the way we…
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