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Oktober 2018
November 2018
Vortrag Martina Mara
"The demystification of the robot: Why we need informed people and explainable machines"
Erfahren Sie mehr »Dezember 2018
TEWI-Kolloquium: Interactive Objects for Graph Algorithmic Thinking
Andrea Bonani Abstract: In parallel with the rapid growth of digital technology and its pervasiveness in everyday life, it emerged the need to introduce knowledge of computer science at school, from the early years of the scholastic curriculum. This is not intended to promote programming careers among students, nor because they shall work in areas related to Information Technology, but because already in the present times, and more in the future, aware citizens must have digital skills and competences in…
Erfahren Sie mehr »Quantum Computing: A Brief Introduction
When? December 10th 2018, 3pm Where? Hörsaal 3 (HS3), Faculty of Computer Sciences Währinger Straße 29 1090 Vienna Abstract We start by briefly reminding the notion of uncertainty and superposition from quantum physics. Based on this, the concept of a quantum bit, the role of measurements, as well as the fundamental structure of a quantum algorithm are introduced. Next, quantum registers and entanglement are discussed. Operators to manipulate quantum registers are presented. The problem of decoherence is sketched. Next, the…
Erfahren Sie mehr »CS Talk #2: Nava Tintarev
Zur Vortragsreihe CS Talks, die die zentrale Bedeutung der Informatik in unserer Gesellschaft in den Mittelpunkt stellt, werden ausschließlich Computerwissenschafterinnen eingeladen werden. Am 14. Dezember um 17 Uhr findet bereits der zweite Vortrag in der Reihe "CS Talks" statt. Nana Tintarev von der Delft University of Technology greift in ihrem Talk "Supporting User Control for Diverse Item Recommendations" das Thema auf, wie Filterblasen in den sozialen Medien entgegengewirkt werden kann, um die Diversität in der Gesellschaft zu fördern. Die nächsten CS Talks…
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