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Januar 2025
In-Band Quality Notification and QoE Personalization: How Providers Can Enhance User Experience
TeWi-Kolloquium Friday, January 24,2025 | 02:00 p.m.(CET) | S.2.69 | Alpen-Adria Universität Klagenfurt Dr. Sergey Gorinsky | IMDEA Networks Institute, Madrid Abstract: While ISPs (Internet service providers) strive to improve QoE (quality of experience) for end users, end-to-end traffic encryption by OTT (over-the-top) providers undermines independent inference of QoE by an ISP. Due to the economic and technological complexity of the modern Internet, ISP-side QoE inference based on OTT assistance or out-of-band signaling sees low adoption. This talk introduces IQN…
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