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Systems Thinking – CS Colloquium mit Chris Wills
28. Juni 2017 @ 15:00 - 16:30
KostenlosDownload Einladung & Abstract: » https://is.gd/PXqLS6
mehr Information rund um die CS Colloquien » https://informatik.univie.ac.at/cs-colloquium/
This presentation will present an approach called the Systemic-Holistic Approach. The approach can be used to gain a basic understanding of problem domains such as
that of security, by enabling the analysis and structuring issues relating to IT security. The approach is based on General Systems Theories, Cybernetics, General Living
Systems Theory, Socio-Technical Design perspectives and Soft System Methodology.
The aim of this presentation is to present the theoretical background to the Systemic Holistic Approach; its model and framework.
The objectives are to give a systemicholistic view of the IT security area which makes it possible for a student – and we all need to be life long learners, to grasp and deal with details as well as overviews in a subjective way, but based on objective knowledge.
Christopher Wills is a Director of CARIS Research Ltd, prior to which he worked as the Director of an Information Systems research centre at Kingston University, London. Chris has managed and undertaken IS and computing research and consultancy projects on behalf of a range of organisations, including the UK’s Defence Evaluation Research Agency, the UK’s MOD Tri- Services, the UK Police Service, the Health Service, the UK’s Department for Transport, the UITP and The Mass Transit Railway Corporation of Hong Kong.
Chris, is an analyst designer with more than 30 years experience in the formulation of user requirements and in the design of socio- technical systems.
His specialist areas of interest are those of software process in safety critical systems and threat and risk assessment in ITC systems and it is in these areas of computing systems that he has undertaken work for the Royal Navy, scoping the design of naval command and control systems. Chris worked for the security services, both in the preparation for and during, the London Olympics. Chris is a Freeman of the City of London and a Liveryman of the City of London’s Company of Information Technologists.