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Quality of Experience – Measuring Quality from the End-User Perspective
20. November 2019 @ 10:00 - 11:00
Dr. Raimund Schatz | Nov 20, 2019 | 10:00 | Lakeside B12b.1.1
Abstract: Over last 15 years, Quality of Experience (QoE) has evolved from a buzzword to a holistic, mature scientific concept that captures the entire experience that a person has with a multimedia communication service (e.g. online video, web browsing, telephony, etc.). This talk provides an introduction to the concept of QoE and its operationalization in subjective experiments. To this end we first review the origins of QoE as well as the most useful definitions and frameworks that map the main QoE constituents and use cases. In the second part we go about operationalizing QoE, with a focus on how to design and conduct subjective QoE experiments that provide valid and reliable results.
CV: Dr. Raimund Schatz is Senior Scientist at the AIT Austrian Institute of Technology, Center for Technology Experience, where he coordinates the Research Field „Experience Measurement“. Furthermore, he is Post-Doctoral researcher at the ATHENA Christian-Doppler Laboratory (ITEC, AAU). Until 2015 he was Key Researcher and Area Manager at the Telecommunications Research Center Vienna, Department of User-centered Interaction, Services, and Systems Quality. Raimund Schatz holds an Msc. in Telematics (TU-Graz), a PhD in Informatics (TU-Vienna), as well as an MBA and an MSc. from Open University Business School (UK). He is (co-)author of more than 130 publications in the areas of Quality of Experience, Service Quality, HCI and Pervasive Computing. Furthermore, he is or was actively involved in a number of QoE and HCI-related EU projects and networking activities, including SHOTPROS (H2020), Optiband (FP7), CELTIC QuEEN and COST Actions IC1003 Qualinet and IC1304 ACROSS, as well as the organization of various QoE-related conferences and workshops (e.g. QoENAM 2014, QoE-FI 2016, QCMAN 2016, QoE-Management 2017, QoMEX 2018, QoMEX 2019, etc.).