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LogicLounge with Toby Walsh: Living with Artificial Intelligence – How to stay Human
20. September 2018 @ 18:00 - 19:00
KostenlosMany myths and exaggerations surround the discussions about artificial intelligence. What seems to be certain is that autonomous and self-learning systems have become part of our everyday life, and that their role is increasing. Are we giving too much autonomy to “stupid” artificial intelligence? Are we all only lab rats for the unregulated AI-technology? Why does homo digitalis need to preserve its humanity?
Thursday, 20.9.2018 at 18:00 in Prechtlsaal of TU Wien (Main building, Karlsplatz 13)
In a one-hour long public debate, professor Walsh will share his thoughts on how AI has been improving our lives, and why the society needs to be economically, culturally, politically and legally prepared for the AI of tomorrow.
The event is organized by Vienna Center for Logic and Algorithms at TU Wien. The event will be moderated by Franz Zeller (ORF).
The event is free of charge!
The event is free of charge. For organizational reasons we kindly ask for the free registration on Eventbrite (you may use a nickname)
Among the registered participants, Toby Walsh will give away a couple of signed copies of his book “It´s Alive!: Wie künstliche Intelligenz unser Leben verändern wird“.
Professor Toby Walsh
Professor Toby Walsh has been called a “rock star of AI”, due to his regular appearances in the international media. He is an advocate for regulation in AI and robotics to ensure automated decision making by machines is actually improving, not hurting, our lives. Professor Walsh is not only known as the initiator of the worldwide movement for the UN-ban of autonomous lethal weapons (“Killer Robots”), but is also the author of numerous books presenting the general public the myths, chances and risks of AI.
This event is part of the LogicLounge public discussion series, organized by Vienna Center for Logic and Algorithms at TU Wien.
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