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Lifelogging – A decade of research into interactive lifelog access & retrieval
28. November 2023 @ 16:00 - 18:00
Abstract: The capabilities of modern sensing devices to gather large volumes of personal data has given us the ability to capture detailed lifelogs of a human’s daily experience. This talk will introduce research on lifelog search and retrieval and highlight progress over the last ten years, including real-world applications and state-of-the-art lifelog retrieval systems from the annual ACM Lifelog Search Challenge. We will end by highlighting some of the societal challenges of applying lifelogs.
Bio: Professor Cathal Gurrin is the Head of the Adapt Centre at Dublin City University. His research focus is on personal media analytics, user modelling and lifelogging. He is interested in building rich multimodal user models and deploying them to solve real-world challenges using AI.
He has secured over €5M funding from SFI, Enterprise Ireland, the EU and other international sources, with global collaborations in the EU, Asia and the US. Cathal has made extensive media appearances on the BBC, Discovery Channel, NHK, and other international periodicals and print media. He has been the general chair of many leading international conferences (ECIR’11, MMM’14, CBMI’19, ACM ICMR’20, MMM’22) and will chair ACM ICMR’24 and ACM MM’25 in Dublin. He is also the founder of the annual ACM Lifelog Search Challenge.