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Exploring the Effectiveness of Conceptual Models: a User-Centered Perspective
27. Juni 2018 @ 15:00 - 16:30
CS-COLLOQUIUM with Assoc.-Prof. Sotirios Liaskos
(York University, Canada)
Where? Hörsaal 3 (HS3) | Währinger Straße 29, 1090 Vienna
Developing conceptual modelslies at the heart of many and diverse IT practices, including Business/Systems Analysis, Software Architecture and Design, Enterprise Architecture and Business Process Engineering.
By creating conceptual models, analysts and designers can organize the complexity of various technical problems and communicate these to diverse audiences.
A great number of conceptual modeling languages have been proposed each putting forth its own view of what concepts and relationships are important, what they mean, and how they should be visualized.
But are all language designs equally effective as communication and comprehension aids? Can one language design choice be more effective than another?
In this talk, I present an empirical, user-center approachto answering these questions. Through a series of experimental studies, me and my colleagues have been investigating the intuitiveness of conceptual modeling language concepts, meanings and visualizations, as they are experienced by untrained users of models of the language. Our focal point is goal models and their quality as decision support aids.
Among our general findings are the need to separate language design from representational design and the suggestion to avoid blanket assessments of effectiveness in favor of a sensitivity to the intended use and characteristics of the model at hand.
Sotirios Liaskosis an Associate Professor and Director of the School of Information Technology and Head of the Enterprise Systems Group at York University.
His research interests are in the intersection of conceptual modeling, classical AI and human computer interaction, with an emphasis on intention and decision modeling.
His recent work focuses on the application of experimental methods to the study of conceptual modeling and requirements engineering practices.
Sotirios is one of the co-organizers of the 1st International Workshop on Empirical Methods in Conceptual Modeling(deadline: June 22nd):
https://emper18.sit.yorku.ca/(Study designs are particularly welcome!)