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Excellence in Research: DC-RES and Carlo Ghezzi
25. November 2019 @ 17:15 - 19:15
We invite you to a guest talk by Carlo Ghezzi and to learn more about our Doctoral College on Resilient Embedded Systems.
The Vienna PhD School of Informatics (VPSI) and the Doctoral College Resilient Embedded Systems (DC-RES), both hosted by TU Wien´s Faculty of Informatics, invite to another event dedicated to Excellence in Research.
As a highlight of this event Prof. Carlo Ghezzi from Politecnico di Milano, newly appointed Dr. techn. h.c. at the TU Wien, will give a talk on „Software Engineering for Cyber-Physical Spaces“.
In addition, we also invite you to learn more about the VPSI and our DC-RES and to receive first-hand information about the DC-RES´ call for PhD candidates.
- 17.15
Welcome Address
Hannes Werthner - 17.25
Presentation of the DC Resilient Embedded Systems
Andreas Steininger - 17.45
„Software Engineering for Cyber-Physical Spaces“
Carlo GhezziThis talk will show an avenue for research which can be characterized as rethinking spatial environments from a software engineering perspective — in both design and operation aspects. Regarding design, it shows how domain descriptions can give rise to models amenable to automated analyses of dynamic behaviors in spaces populated by humans, robots, and mobile devices. Verification amounts to assessing if some collective behaviors violate certain requirements the overall system should exhibit. In particular, the talk will discuss how verification can scale to realistic space models. Regarding runtime, it will consider supporting analyses on the cloud on behalf of resource-constrained and spatially-distributed IoT devices. It will hint at how spatial verification processes can be integrated in the service layer of an IoT-cloud architecture based on microservices, and what tradeoffs emerge across different deployment options.
- 18.30
- 18.45
Get-together Over Bread And Wine
- 19.15