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COSY-Talk mit Dr. Florian Metzger
20. September 2019 @ 13:00 - 14:00
Many cities today either claim they are a „Smart City“, or they aspire to become one. But the question usually not posed first is that of the technical requirements, especially with regards to the necessary communication infrastructure. In this talk we’ll take a look at two recently started projects, 5MART and IOT4WUE, that deal with one particular solution to the Smart City communications problem: LoRaWAN. The talk will introduce the projects and the steps we have planned to realize such an infrastructure in Würzburg — but especially the hurdles we’ve encountered as well. We’ll conclude the talk with theoretical considerations and models on scaling IoT networks for large scale installations.
Florian Metzger is a Postdoc Researcher at the Chair of Communication Networks at University of Würzburg, Germany. After receiving his doctoral degree from the University of Vienna in 2015 he was researcher at the Chair of Modeling of Adaptive Systems, University of Duisburg-Essen, Duisburg, Germany. His current research and projects tackle communication networks in Smart Cities, time sensitive networking and video games.